Global Meditation

Daily Meditations

We have already established weekly synchronized Meditations each Saturday at 20:00 G.M.T. as can be seen from the article below. However, as our numbers have grown dramatically the Spiritual Hierarchy are now suggesting that we establish times each day when large groups of people can Meditate simultaneously.

Everyone has their own way of being inspired – be it Meditating alone, in synchronized style or together meeting up at a retreat. We have continually said how the Meditation is more powerful if done at the same time. In different continents however it needs to be at a time that suits most people.

As a result of this communication we are suggesting the following: that Initiates prioritise a Meditation period of about an hour each day to commence at the time indicated below. Please don’t see this as a requirement but as an opportunity to work together as part of a team to Channel the Light and Sound. By working together we will maximize the effect the Spiritual Energies have on the Planet and its occupants.

To find out when this is in your part of the World simply Google:  20:00 GMT in (say) Lima. Be aware of changes if you have summertime.

We would love to invite anybody who Meditates, even if you are not part of the Light and Sound group, to synchronize with us at the times above. If your country has been omitted and you need help working out the appropriate time, please let us know via the contact page.


Weekly Meditation

As part of the general move towards caring for others we would like a regular Meditation to take place every week. For you all to come together for 10 minutes at the same time. This would be a powerful statement from you to affirm positivity to the Planet as a whole. In doing so you will feel a great connection to each other.

Our numbers have grown at an incredible pace over the last few months; we now have over 300 people who have attained Spiritual Enlightenment.

Our Mission is twofold, for Meditators to attain Spiritual States and to raise the Consciousness of the Planet. As we now have a significant group Initiated into the Light and Sound it is time to harness this potential by organizing synchronized Meditations Worldwide.

We are suggesting that this takes place every weekend. Initially, to send Love and Peace to the Planet and its inhabitants each Saturday at 20:00 G.M.T. for 10 minutes. If you wish to extend this time that’s fine but make sure you start at the time appropriate to your time zone.

Although this is intended for Light and Sound Initiates we invite all meditators around the Globe to join us in our mission. So many of us want change – at last we have a means to accomplish this – let us make the best use of this wonderful opportunity.

From time to time we are likely to receive fresh information regarding these Meditations from the Spiritual Hierarchy. All new instructions will appear here, so keep checking.


Testimonial (F.A.)

A huge download, containing ‘love in the form of healing,’ somehow; both for me personally and for humanity as one. I could feel the ‘wounding’ of humanity, and the innocence of that wounding – even though we experience it in unbearable ways. The essence of this revelation is, simply, God returning to Itself in billions of ways – just to reveal for us how we separate, individuate, make our personal stance, and when ready, dissolve back. All that’s required is surrender, openness, giving of what we receive, and nurturing of Spiritual Identity.